走进Karamanlidika,感受正宗的希腊菜,你一定不会失望。 “精致小屋,美妙的菜”
【余味推荐:Karamanlidika】为你提供Karamanlidika美食,Karamanlidika美食推荐,Karamanlidika小吃,Karamanlidika特色美食,Karamanlidika特色小吃,雅典Karamanlidika,等旅游美食攻略。 雅典的餐馆大多聚集在卫城山脚下、Plaka老城区和Monastiraki周围,这里游客众多,所以餐馆、咖啡吧也比较多。其中有很多地道的希腊餐厅,藤编的椅子、蓝色的小桌子和橄榄油淡淡的清香是它们的特色。走进Karamanlidika,感受正宗的希腊菜,你一定不会失望。 Karamanlidika “精致小屋,美妙的菜” 人均: 70元 营业时间:周一至周六 12:00 – 23:00 电话: 30-21-03254184 地址: Sokrates 1 | Evripides 52, Athens 10554, Greece 走进Karamanlidika,感受正宗的希腊菜,你一定不会失望。
— 雅典美食攻略_雅典小吃推荐_雅典特色餐厅_雅典特产_【余味全球美食】 雅典 雅典,希腊诸神居住的地方,智慧女神赋予雅典卫城不同凡响的古老历史,古希腊和欧洲文明的起源一幕幕一点点在卫城遗迹和博物馆中缓缓呈现。雅典境内有许多历史悠久而且富丽堂皇的城堡以及气势雄伟的教堂,游客们在这里不仅可以欣赏到精致典雅的宫殿还可以品尝到许多当地有名的美食。雅典美食的咸鲜口感,宛如体味爱琴海那般,清甜口味,又如圣托里尼的夕阳, 热菜主盘,如基克拉迪群岛清晨的太阳,冷餐开胃,又如伊庇鲁斯结霜的河流…希腊饮食能在全球享有盛誉,并且被专业的顶级营养师推荐,不仅是因为它的美味,也是因为它很健康。如此被诸神眷顾的地方,怎么能不令人心生向往。 雅典必吃美食 雅典餐厅
Traslated by google.
“Delicate hut, wonderful food”
#Athens #restaurants mostly gathered in the foothills of the Acropolis, Plaka old town and around Monastiraki, where many tourists, so restaurants, coffee bars will be more. There are many authentic Greek restaurant, rattan chairs, a table and a small blue light fragrance of olive oil is their specialty. Into Karamanlidika, experience authentic Greek food, you will not be disappointed. Karamanlidika Per capita: 70 yuan Hours: Monday to Saturday 12:00 – 23:00 Tel: 30-21-03254184 Address: Sokrates 1 | Evripides 52, Athens 10554, Greece — Athens Athens, where the Greek gods live, the goddess of wisdom given extraordinary Acropolis ancient history, ancient Greece and the origins of European civilization scenes a little bit in the Acropolis monuments and museums render slowly. Athens There are many historic castles and stately and imposing church, where visitors can not only enjoy the refined elegance of the palace can also enjoy a number of famous local cuisine. Athens food taste salty, like body odor is so Aegean Sea, sweet taste, and if Santorini sunset, hot main dish, such as early morning sun Cyclades, buffet appetizers, and if Epirus Lu Adams frost river … Greek cuisine can be a global reputation, and has been the top professional nutritionists recommend, not only because of its taste, but also because it is very healthy. So favored by the gods place, how can it not cause a sense of longing. #Athens must-eat #food #Athens #Restaurants
Source: 雅典Karamanlidika美食推荐_Karamanlidika特色小吃_特色菜_【余味全球美食】